I love coming across fascinating stories. You know, the type thay really make you think, and go oooohhh, and aaaaaaahhhh. This is one of the those. Short, simple, and sweet.

It’s got an Initiation Well that leads nine stories below the ground to a secret chamber, a network of underground tunnels, and Freemason iconography as far as the eye can see. And to this day, no one has fully unlocked the mysteries of the shadowy Portuguese palace known as the Quinta da Regaleira: https://bit.ly/3dv1Vqv

My imagination runs wild with all the stories this structure could tell. Murders, mayhem, cults, trysts, clandestine meetings. All leading my mind to an unwritten Edgar Allen Poe story. Can you imagine? Just add Vincent Price’s or Lenord Nemoy’s, or David Bowie’s voice, and bam your next book on tape is happening.

This folks is what happens when I cant sleep at 5 am 🤣🤣🤣

Hope your fireworks overload weekend is going better than mine! So far, I’ve determined people have lost their minds! Fireworks until 3am!!!! Oh well, came across this great story to make up for it right? Love you guys🥰❤🥰❤🥰