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You know what I hate the most about AI? The fact that someone (a person) can create real legitimate content or product, and some people automatically scream, it has to be A.I. because it is too good, too perfect. It MUST BE FAKE or A.I.

That TOTALLY SUCKS!!!! A lot of people, INCLUDING myself, bust our asses to create REAL HUMAN, no A.I. content, and get called liars, over and over again. Even after we prove it wasn’t A.I. generated. A.I. is creating a new level of distrust, and hate amongst people, that not even I saw coming.

I literally got into an argument with someone over a food recipe and photo. Stating it is a real recipe and their photo. So much so, I contacted the Content Creator. Guess what? It was all original content. I went back and told the person arguing AT ME, they were wrong, AND she refused to believe it. Basically calling me naive and ignorant, and just short of a fool. Yet, I have made the dish before myself and it was made almost identically, and looked like a magazine photo. I proceeded to tell them, it is a ‘them’ issue. It was not the Content Creator’s issue, or fault, that they couldn’t and wouldn’t, accept the truth. She was simply hating that some people really can produce content that good.

I am so over people hating because of whatever their issue is, that has nothing to do with the actual content. Their issue is a cynicism, and a self reflection, deflecting. Now days, people want to start s*it, and smack talk, knowing well from hell they are in the wrong, just to go viral. They want some sort of 15 minutes of fame, or attention. Meanwhile slandering someone else’s work. Completely amoral and ignorant to boot.

It makes people like me, who are still building confidence, and finding their flow, hold back in releasing work, because we aren’t trying to fight with people over the legitimacy of our own work. That is one of the reasons I hate posting to formerly known as Twitter, now X. Too many damn trolls to even to begin with on a daily, or hourly basis. We are just honestly sharing, and creating content. Hoping you enjoy it, and or find it informative.

For me, it is a cherry on top if I see money. I never went into this for the money. Yeah, I am going to expand my brand (I have been told by the powers that be, I am officially a brand again. It was years ago, and I stepped away. Needed to find my own happy place.). So now I am working on launching a Podcast and a YouTube Channel. I am evolving. Don’t get me wrong, I most definitely appreciate ‘any, and all’, financial appreciation. But, that is more of a byproduct of doing a job well.

I have yet to have A.I. generate a single picture for me, or write an article, or blog piece, or anything for me. The closest I get to A.I. doing anything for me is spell check. Even then, I usually Google to make sure I am spelling the word correctly and using the word properly.

I wanted to address this because I am getting ready to write a lot here and expand my reach. I always want to be transparent, and honest with you all. I consider myself an open book, approachable, and generally open minded.

I have about 2+ years worth of material sitting in my writing cue as drafts, not including idea mind maps on stuff I want to write and share with you. Or another 2+ years of photos with stories of my crazy blessed and grateful life.

I won’t and don’t A.I. write for a few reasons. I really love to write. I really love to story tell. Also, I love to write like I speak, so it feels more like a conversation that you and me are having. I love writing in that intimate format.

Sure, A.I. can write, but A.I. can’t tell you MY stories, or MY passion, better than I can. Typos and all. When I write, I want you to be hearing my voice as you are reading it. I want you to be able to feel my emotions, and passion, laughter, and tears, anger, and smiles. I want to engage with you. For it is to you I am speaking with. That is why I always encourage comments, questions, and suggestions. That is how WE grow.

A.I. simply can not do that for me. I appreciate and respect the technology. I genuinely believe it has purpose, and is needed for our futures. I even love it to quite an extent. However, that future does not include writing or taking pictures for me, or living my life in entirety, for me. I am faults and all. I am a whole person. I want what I do to show that in its’ entirety.

So, IF I was to use A.I. I would just tell you. I feel the same way about cosmetic surgery, or cooking dishes, or anything. I would also tell you why, and how I used it too. I have nothing to hide.

I just wanted to get that off my chest and heart. As always, feel free to comment, ask questions, or share. You can also email me if you have any questions, comments, or statement.

Anyone else dealing with these issues?

Sincerely and Namaste,
